Abstract Submission

Submission Period:

  • Opens: July 2, 2024
  • Deadline: August 31, 2024

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference book, which will be printed and included in the participants’ kits. Additionally, the book will be available online on the Conference website.

The presentation will be on September 26, from 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M., in a printed poster format. After the submission deadline, we will send an email with the submission results, which will include more details about the poster template, format, and schedule.


Please carefully read the following instructions before submitting an abstract. If you have any further questions, please contact siconf@biotech.wisc.edu.

The event committee welcomes the submission of unpublished research in the form of abstracts, including:

  • New Research: Unpublished research and/or secondary analysis of data
  • Methods: Newly established or characterized methods, or evaluations of existing methods
  • Protocols: Descriptions of protocols or process results of newly started studies

Abstract Format:

  • Font: Use Arial, size 12.
  • Presenting Author: The first author listed is the assigned presenter.
  • Co-authors: A maximum of nine, with a total of 10 authors.
  • Institution Details: List the institutions and departments involved, identifying which author belongs to each.
  • Character Limit: Abstracts are limited to 2000 characters (excluding the title and funding source). The title field has a separate character count of 100 characters. Spaces will count towards the character limit.
  • Keywords: Include at least three keywords associated with the content area of the abstract to assist with programming at the Conference.
  • Content: The project must incorporate the use of stable isotopes in health science.
  • Format: The abstract should include text only (no tables or figures).

Organize the abstract into the following sections:

  1. Title:
    • Keep it concise and descriptive.
    • Should clearly reflect the main focus of the study.
    • Limited to 100 characters, including spaces.
  2. Background:
    • Provide context and rationale for the study.
    • Briefly explain the existing problem or knowledge gap that the study addresses.
    • Set the stage for the objectives and significance of the research.
  3. Aims:
    • State the precise objective, the specific hypothesis to be tested, or both.
  4. Methods:
    • Provide a clear, concise description of specific methods, including research design.
    • Describe interventions, if used.
  5. Results:
    • Report the most important findings, including the results of statistical analyses.
    • Abstracts without results will be rejected, except for study protocol abstracts.
    • Study protocol abstracts must be denoted as such in the title and can include “n/a” in the Results section.
  6. Conclusion:
    • Summarize in 1-2 sentences the primary outcomes of the study, including their potential significance.
    • Avoid generalizations.
  7. Funding Sources:
    • List organizations, institutions, or agencies that provided support.

Abstract Submission:

    • Submit the abstract in PDF format, named as “Lastname _ First (e.g., Smith_Sam).”
    • Use the Abstract Template to prepare your document.
    • Observe that by submitting the abstract, all authors must authorize the reproduction and distribution of it in any format (e.g.: printed and/or online).